Friday Night Lights

The project directly responds to local needs by delivering a sports-based youth work session to young people at a crucial point in the week.

Following concerns raised by police around levels of anti-social behaviour on Friday evenings and the vulnerabilities local young people have to being led into organised crime,  a partnership between the Community Sports Hub, local Police, YMCA Edinburgh and other voluntary sector partners was formed to offer local young people opportunities to take part in sports, whilst building friendships with other young people and relationships with trusted adults at a crucial time in the week.

Since the groups inception, Police have reported a 25% reduction in anti-social behaviour on Friday evenings, whilst young people have seen a variety of benefits such as reporting improvements in confidence and sense of connection to the community.

‘If it wasn’t for this project and the people involved, I know I would not be in a good place. I know I would be in a gang’, Local young person

For further information including press features of the project visit:



