Youth Worker and Mentor

£27,376 FTE / £15.04 per hour
3-8hrs per week (negotiable)

Core Hours 6-9 pm Fridays

Do you believe all young people should have opportunities to be happy, develop and thrive?
Are you committed to ensuring  Scotland’s communities ensure all young people have a sense of belonging and connections to caring people they can trust?


YMCA Edinburgh are looking for a youth worker to support the delivery of Friday Night Lights, a successful, partnership run, youth project providing sports opportunities on a Friday evening to young people aged 10-13 (Click Here for more info).

Since the launch of the service Community Police have reported a 25% reduction in Anti-Social Behaviour and young people attending say they feel more connected to the community.

We need a pro-active, engaging youth worker to support the delivery of the session on Fridays, working core hours of 6-9pm. In addition we have funding for the postholder to provide up to 5 hrs of 1:1 mentoring support to young people a week. 

We are accepting applications for the post and are flexible in terms of hours. Applicants must be able to deliver the weekly Friday evening session and delivering further mentoring hours are open to discussion/interest. The post is subject to PVG and 2 references.

To apply please complete and return the application form via email to [email protected] by Friday 6th September.

If you wish to discuss the role further in advance of an application then please email to request a call.