On Thursday the 28th of January Inspiring Leith launched their report on the refurbishment of Cable Wynd house at City Chambers. This report represents months of work, engagement and research into the needs of the residents and their voices.

The issues of persistent mould, mice infestation and faulty lifts have massively impacted on residents’ physical & emotional health and have created huge barriers for people living there. With a focus on human rights, the report looks at the housing rights and standards that need to be improved.

YMCA have supported the Cables Wynd residents forum and, were invited to contribute both to the report and the launch evening. Two of our amazing members of the YMCA youth forum were invited to share their experiences of living in Cables Wynd. Shaniah Gilgun and Erin Bell spoke about what it was like to live with lifts they are too frightened to use, mould that causes health problems and anti-social behaviour from non-residents that scares them.
Shaniah ended their talk by saying people deserve to live in homes without these issues because “it’s a basic human right” and we couldn’t agree more Shaniah.